Buying and moving into a new house is no small feat. So, it is only natural that you make sure that you and your family are safe from all kinds of hazards this new house might contain, and one of the most difficult hazards to find is Asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in construction materials because of its fire-resistance properties. However, at the same time, it is also a severe health risk when it is disturbed—not to mention that it is also very difficult to identify. 

This is why this blog serves as a guide to help you find the signs that can pinpoint if your house contains asbestos. 

Understanding Asbestos

Before searching for asbestos, it is ideal to know what you might be dealing with. Asbestos fibers are microscopic and are released into the air when something containing asbestos is damaged or disturbed. Coming in contact with these fibers can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer and mesothelioma—which is why it is important to recognize these silent killers as soon as possible before they do any harm to you or your loved ones. 

Signs Your House May Have Asbestos

Age of the Home

Houses that were built before 1980 have a higher chance of containing asbestos since these homes were built at a time when asbestos was used more commonly in building materials. 

Common Asbestos-Containing Materials

Here are some of the more common materials that can contain asbestos. 

  • Pipe insulations and attic insulations usually contain asbestos. 
  • Vinyl floor tiles and the backing of vinyl sheet flooring can also contain asbestos. 
  • Asbestos cement shingles or roofing felt are known for commonly using asbestos. 
  • There are also some spray-on ceiling textures and wall coatings that can also contain asbestos. 

Visual Inspection

It is not recommended that you touch or disturb anything that is suspected to contain asbestos. However, a visual inspection can help identify any potential ACMs. 

  • Damaged or crumbling insulation.
  • Discolored or deteriorating tiles.
  • Cracked or peeling paint that may contain asbestos fibers.

Confirming the Presence of Asbestos

If you manage to confirm or still suspect that your home contains asbestos, the next step you need to take is to confirm its presence by testing. 

Professional Inspection

The best way to do this is by hiring a professional and certified asbestos inspector—they will be able to conduct a thorough examination of your home. 

Sampling and Laboratory Testing

If the inspector suspects that your house contains asbestos, they will collect small samples from the suspected material and then send them to a laboratory that can help confirm the hunch. 

DIY Testing Kits

While it might not be as reliable as a professional test, there are DIY kits that can help homeowners who wish to find and test asbestos coating materials on their own. However, as mentioned, it is not recommended—especially if you are not familiar with the process. 

North Point Exteriors Can Help Your Home Be Asbestos-Free

Identifying and dealing with asbestos is the first step in starting your journey in your new house—so make sure it’s protected from harmful materials. Contact North Point Exteriors at (267) 377-5889 to learn more tips and tricks for house renovations.

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